A report from a course participant.
An absolutely perfect weekend in the Peak District for this Silver/Intermediate Navigation Course. The weather was crisp, dry and sunny on both days which allowed two full days of practical learning and invigorating walking. Having briefly recapped on the skills acquired on the Bronze course, we set off on the Saturday for White Edge & Big Moor (White Peak) applying components such as ‘aiming off’, ‘attack points’, ‘collecting features’ ; how to employ simple relocation strategies when lost (aspect of slope) and numerous uses of the compass. As an added interest for us, the rock climbers old and young were out in force on Curbar/Frogget Edge which provided a somewhat momentary distraction.
On the Sunday we headed for the village of Edale (Dark Peak) and ascended some 600+ metres to Grindslow Knoll. We practised all our new and very useful skills along the way and particularly focused on ‘being lost’ and confirming a definite position by taking bearings and studying and fitting the aspect of slope which, having now mastered, am sure will be an invaluable technique for the ever increasing navigation ‘tool box’. On reaching the summit we were met by a very strong and cold wind and a heavy dusting of snow and ice to negotiate which certainly made the training and walking very challenging and invigorating indeed!! We followed the top edge of the valley around to Upper Tor and Nether Tor in the direction of the very amusingly named (well we all thought so!) ‘Ringing Roger’. As the ground was frozen and the peaty mud was solid, walking was made slightly easier than it may otherwise well have been. The stunning views both down and across the valley were spectacular and a quick descent down Golden Clough to the village pub ended a very rewarding and instructive day.
A thoroughly enjoyable weekend in the very capable hands of a proficient and professional leader, so ‘thank you’ Guy Wilson and PureOutdoor
Why not take to the hills in the Peak district in some of the above mentioned areas and test your skills at navigating. The High Peak and Dark Peak offer endless opportunities.