Bakewell Showground is home to the very famous Bakewell show, catering for all sizes of events. It is a wonderful 30 acre site situated in the picturesque Wye valley just outside Bakewell town centre. Flanked by countryside, and so close to the nooks and crannies of the historic market town, the Showground is so easy to get to, just off the A6. The parking is superbly organised at every event and so are all the amenities.
Events of all shapes and sizes are carried out from caravan rallies, which last nearly 2 weeks to dog shows, which can last just an afternoon. The showground is a fantastic venue for event organisers, but also for the thousands of visitors who flock here each year to see the different annual events carried out to perfection.
Each event, no matter how large or small, is organised wonderfully well, the organisers thinking of everything from temporary bars, catering and marquee hire to toilet and shower hire. For a visitor everything is on hand, all that you would need to enjoy a great day out and with other amenities so close in the town centre itself, you’ll probably find there won’t be enough hours in the day.
The most famous event held at the showground has to be the spectacular Bakewell show, one of the oldest agricultural shows in the UK with nearly 200 years of history. Always held on the first Wednesday and Thursday in August, display teams, dog shows, theatre and drama as well as thousands of stallholders with gifts galore, Bakewell show has certainly earned its reputation and lives up to its name for quality organisation and family friendly safety.
The Showground Spectacular on bank holiday May Day is certainly well worth a visit. With a family fun packed menu, monster trucks and classic cars, circus acts and a fun fair with a great selection of rides for kids and adults, it is a two-day action packed festivity laden event. There is a craft tent packed to the brim with goodies, hot air balloon flights, bouncy castles, face painting and Punch and Judy. There is always a great selection of food from traditional hog roasts, home cooked produce and fair food, such as doughnuts and sweets.
Antiques fairs are regularly held at the Showground, as is a country fair and endless dog agility events. Bakewell Music Festival is always a great event with acoustic bluegrass music, Latin, County and Folk to Rock and the Blues. With over 40 artists, it is an intimate three-day family friendly festival and features some great music from across the world. With enchanting ambience, accompanied by the finest local ales, there is the chance to taste the some of the best produced food in the North.
All events at Bakewell Showground can be all weather, but be sure to pack the right footwear if it rains. High heels are not a good idea; this is the countryside after all you see! Tractors are on hand to tow if bogging occurs, so never be put off by the weather.
Over two centuries, the face of farming has certainly changed beyond recognition in Bakewell show, known affectionately as the little Royal has only gone from strength to strength. It has a well-deserved reputation as being one that of the best attended, organised and friendliness show in Britain. It is organised by Bakewell agricultural and horticultural Society and has its roots in the very first meeting of farmers and landowners, making it one of the oldest agricultural shows in the UK.
It has not always been an easy journey, battling a number of crises over the years and facing financial ruin in 1909 when the Dukes of Rockland and Devonshire agreed to underwrite the event ‘for the foreseeable future’ Chuter the devastating recent Fort and mouth outbreak. It was actually one of the few shows to go ahead, but it did so without any livestock or animals whatsoever.
Over the years it has involved from a strictly agricultural events where local farmers vied with the gently the championship titles, affectionately competing classes coming together. It reflected the diversity of farming and the countryside at the time.
The History Of Bakewell Show
Bakewell show dates back to 1819 when Mr Wooton Burkinshaw Thomas of boythorpe called a meeting of 12 landowners and farmers who all met in the Angel Inn in Chesterfield to discuss the depressed state of farming after the Napoleonic wars. They decided to form a brand-new society called the Scarsdale and high Peak agricultural Society. The aim of the society was to campaign for a tax on imported produce and to then stage an annual competition for farmers and breeders of all classes of livestock in the whole of North Derbyshire.
The first show was held at the Angel Inn in Chesterfield on the 5th July 1819, and it had 18 classes for livestock, which include horses, cattle, sheep and pigs, and the class of itself for the most industrious farm labourer. The history books stage the show was well attended and it was decided the show would alternate between the Angel Inn and the Rutland Arms in Bakewell.