Bird Watching In Matlock


There aren’t any designated RSPB reserves in Matlock, but there are plenty of wild places for a twitcher. The Arkwright plantation near to Matlock Bath, is a good spot for birds of prey, and the area next to Beeley triangle and surrounding fields are particularly good for a curlew. These are situated on the way to Bakewell, about 4 miles outside of Matlock. Like most bird watching in Matlock, there is no access to the moorland as it is a designated wildlife sanctuary, but there are lots of lay byes on some of the roads, where the expanse can be easily viewed.

To the south of Beeley Moor is Matlock Forest which is good for woodland birds throughout the year and although much of this land is privately owned, access is available to some parts and Flash Lane seems to be the centre of attraction for birdwatchers from miles around. In June and July nightjar can be heard, and this is probably the only site in Derbyshire, where nightjar are present so it’s a very lucky find, and there are also Owls and Woodcock present in this area.