1.Articles or books on Chatsworth
GLOVER, Stephen The Peak Guide. Derby: Henry Mozley, 1830.(Chatsworth: pp. 17-52)
ADAM, W The gem of the Peak. London: Longman, 1838. (Chatsworth pp. 75-109)
DEVONSHIRE, 6th Duke of Handbook of Chatsworth and Hardwick. London: Privately printed, 1844. (See also Duchess of Devonshire: The House, below)
JEWITT, Llewellyn Chatsworth. Buxton: J C Bates, 1872.
FIENNES, Celia Through England on a side saddle in the Time of William and Mary. London: Field & Tuer, 1888. (New illustrated edition, Macdonald, 1982). (Chatsworth: pp. 78-81)
TIPPING, H Avray. Four numbers of ‘Country Life’ containing the History of Chatsworth. (5, 12, 19 & 26 Jan 1918)
THOMPSON, Francis A History of Chatsworth: being a supplement to the Sixth Duke of Devonshire’s Handbook. London: Country Life, 1949.
THOMPSON, Francis Chatsworth: a short history. London: Country Life, 1951.
LEES-MILNE, James & CORNFORTH, John Chatsworth: home of the Dukes of Devonshire. (9 articles in.‘Country Life’, 11, 18 & 25 April, 2 May, 18 & 25 July, 1 & 29 August, 5 September 1968)
GIROUARD, Mark Elizabethan Chatsworth. ‘Country Life’ 22 Nov 1973, pp 1668-72.
ORGEL, Stephen & STRONG, Roy Inigo Jones:The Theatre of the Stuart Court, 2 vols., London, Sotheby Parke Bernet Publications Ltd; Berkeley & Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1973
PEVSNER, Nikolaus The Buildings of England: Derbyshire. 2nd ed. Penguin, 1978 (Chatsworth: pp. 126-139).
11th DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE The House: a portrait of Chatsworth. Macmillan, 1982. (Incorporates passages from the 6th Duke of Devonshire’s Handbook, above) Paperback 1992.
JAFFÉ, Michael The Devonshire Collection of Italian Drawings, A Complete Catalogue, 4 vols. Phaidon Press, 1994.
BRIGHTON, Trevor Chatsworth’s 16th Century Parks and Gardens. ‘Garden History’, vol. 23 no. 1 (summer 1995) pp. 29-55.
11th DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE The Estate: a view from Chatsworth. Macmillan 1990.Paperback 1994
11th DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE Treasures of Chatsworth: a private view. Constable 1991.
11th DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE Farm Animals: based on the Farmyard at Chatsworth. (For children) Kyle Cathie 1991.
BOSCHUNG, Dietrich Von Hesberg, Henner & Linfert, Andreas: Die antiken Skulpturen in Chatsworth, Mainz am Rhein, Verlag Philipp von Zabern,1997
11th DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE The Garden at Chatsworth. Francis Lincoln 1999. Paperback 2001.
11th DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE Chatsworth The House. Frances Lincoln 2002.
JAFFÉ, Michael The Devonshire Collection of Northern European Drawings, A Complete Catalogue, 5 vols. Umberto Allemandi, 2002.
11th DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE Round about Chatsworth, Frances Lincoln, 2005.
BARNETT & WILLIAMSON, John & Tom Chatsworth: A Landscape History, Windgather Press, 2005.
NAYLOR, Diane The Chatsworth Villages: Beeley, Edensor & Pilsley, Landmark Publishing, 2005.