Camping In Castleton

Camping In Castleton, Whether it’s a bustling busy extreme sports holiday, experiencing the sights and sounds of the towns and villages nearby, camping in Castleton will let you wonder at the atmosphere of the gorgeous surrounding scenery. It’s a walking distance from the wilderness if you wish and so close to some stunning attractions. The views will be outstanding, and to go camping in Castleton with friends is to pitch your tent side by side next to loved ones, and chat till the sun goes down. Get as close to nature as you can and choose camping in Castleton, as a holiday with a difference. So close to all the amenities the ‘Gem of the Peaks’ has to offer, it’s a market town with a magical atmosphere.

Take a break from the stresses and strains of daily working life, and choose a holiday choice which will not break the bank. Listen to the dawn chorus inside your canvas dwelling, camp fires and songs, barbecues and fun filled family get-togethers. Camping is a unique experience to watch the wildlife pass unnoticed. Whatever the weather is doing, to camp or caravan in Castleton, means having a warm, dry place to stay. There are also lots of places like four caverns to explore to keep out of the wet too.

  • Rowter Farm Campsite