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Carr Vale Nature Reserve, which was formed though subsidence in an old mining area, consists of open water fringed by reedmace, sedges and rushes surrounded by meadowlands with the river Doe Lea running along the south side. On the west is the M1. On the north side spoil heaps have been landscaped and is scrub. There are no hides but a viewing mound overlooks the area and has disabled access. It attracts winter wildfowl and large plover flocks. The nearby sewage works attracts Water Rail, Jack Snipe and Rock Pipit. Being part of the Rother valley means that it is a funnel for migration. Several county firsts have been recorded here including Common Rosefinch and Lesser Yellowlegs. It is also good for Yellow-browed Warbler, Firecrest, Wryneck etc. Access is off the A632 – from Chesterfield, continue over the roundabout then take the first right onto Villas Road, along which, at the sharp 90% bend, carry straight on to a rough track and follow this to a small car parking area near the entrance of the Nature Reserve. Alternatively you can turn right at the roundabout & follow the road to another carpark. From here the Nature Reserve is via a footpath over the old colliery tip. Disabled access has been incorporated into the planned changes to the Reserve.