Castle Naze

Castle Naze a Hillfort in Derbyshire is situated two kilometres to the west of Dove Holes (the village famous for the Bull Ring henge) at the top of a steep gritstone escarpment at 427m (1400ft) above sea level.

Castle Naze

Castle Naze overlooks Combs Reservoir and the village of Combs the hillfort is defended naturally on the northern and western sides and by a double rampart to the south. It can be seen from the Dove Holes to Combs road, a single-track road running to the north of the hillfort.

Nowadays there is only the flat ground that is visible but as you can see from the image above that you can imagine a fort being there, dating as far back as Iron Age.! Quite impressive and the view from their over towards Combs Reservoir and further is impressive and on a clear day you can see for miles.

Visiting Castle Naze

You can walk here from Dove Holes or Buxton

It is high up and can be very windy and if walking from Buxton can be difficult, wet underfoot so go prepared, it is with it for the views.

The fort is roughly triangular in shape, occupying approximately 0.9 hectares (2.25 acres). It was surveyed in 1957 by students from a Nottingham University summer school and The Workers’ Educational Association of Buxton, when it was established that the fort had undergone three phases of construction, two of the Iron Age period and one Medieval.

Obvious differences in the method of construction confirmed that the two prehistoric phases were not contemporary.

It is hard to imagine how life would be like living here especially in Winter as the weather at this high level would have been quite testing, even for the hardiest of folk and access would not have been easy especially on foot.