
Sitting on an elevated position above the River Wye and nestling under the hilltop plateau of Stanton Moor, Congreave is a small hamlet consisting of a handful of character cottages, together with Stanton Old Hall which dates back to 1667 and lots of rich pasture surrounding working dairy farms.

From parts of Congreave it is possible to look across the valley and see the romantic medieval and enchanting buildings of Haddon Hall nestling on a rise above the banks of the river Wye

Below the cluster of cottages which make up the little hamlet of Congreave is a strange shaped ‘sugarloaf’ hill topped with beech trees, surrounded by the remains of a dry moat. This is Peak Tor, also known as Pillow Hill which was an early Celtic camp or settlement.

Congreave is situated about a mile from Rowsley where you can visit Caudwell’s Mill, being the only surviving Victorian flour mill in the country that is still working. The swish of water from the wheel and the rhythmic click, clack and rumble from the belts and pulleys is musical and magical. See also the Craft Centre and Peak Village Factory Outlet.

Walk up the hill from Congreave and you will arrive at Stanton Moor with its strange-shaped rock formations, Earl Grey tower and The Nine Ladies stone circle.