To stay in Matlock means being close to wonderful walks from your doorstep, but also being close to the action. With the town packed full of shops and great things to do, good food in Matlock is only a little walk away and cottages in the area have everything you need to prepare a meal or eat out if you wish. Cottages in Matlock will cater for every taste, and come in all shapes and sizes. We have cottages to suit your budget, and luxury accommodation if you prefer. Lovingly looked after by the owners, Matlock cottages means having a temporary home containing everything you would ever need. Make memories in Matlock and have a lovely break from the working week.
Choose cottages in Matlock around the town itself, or on the outskirts in the countryside. Choose from traditional or modern, cosy and quaint, perhaps near a pub or restaurant maybe. Your cottage will be well equipped, comfortable and clean we guarantee and get as close to Matlock as you need to or stay outside the bustling town and wander in at your will. Take off the day and know your cosy cottage will be waiting for you to welcome you back.