As I leave home in the early hours this morning to ‘do’ my horse & rush back home in time forwork, the temperature gauge in the car fluctuates around the -6°C to -8°C mark, yet again! Myroute to the stables takes me via the final road-crossing and a glimpse of the last fence on the HighPeak Hunt’s point-to-point course at Flagg (see photo attached). I marvel in horror at the fenceburied under a 4’ snow drift and wonder whether we will ever manage to throw off the vestigesof winter in time to hold the meeting on its’ traditional date of Easter Tuesday – this year on 10thApril – only 8 weeks away.
On arrival at the yard I become even more despondent & abandon all hope of ‘exercising’ after ascene reminiscent of Bambi whilst trying to negotiate ‘pent-up’ horses from their stables, acrossthe yard to the indoor school. Although hounds have met on foot, we have not been mounted forover a fortnight now & keeping horses ‘entertained’ and fit for that day when it all suddenly meltsis becoming increasingly difficult.
However, after a well-earned warming cup of coffee along with a quick flick throughJohn Beasley’s Big Green Annual of Point-to-Point Racing 2011 (available from PalefacePublications), my spirits are lifted. How lush & green the images of Flagg appear in 2011. The meeting was held only one week later last year, on 17th April & after the 2010/11 winter we had,we can surely do even better this time round.
I am further encouraged on my return trip home – the sun is shining, temperatures are rising andthe farmers are muck-spreading like mad whilst they can still get on the land – inadvertentlyhelping to produce that lush, near perfect going on the old grassland – such familiar territory tothe High Peak Hunt. Do our farmers know something we don’t? Can spring really be on its way?
My attention is drawn to a frenzied commotion and twittering along the headlands, along with theincessant ‘drilling’ of a woodpecker … and I remember that this week holds another major eventin the social calendar – February 14th or Valentines Day. A date, not only of major significancefor those incurable romantics amongst us, but also of importance to all birds of the featheredvariety. Apparently …. according to I know not whom, this is the ‘official’ date that birdscommence laying their eggs – something to do with warmth & lengthening daylight hours??? Sosomebody somewhere must definitely know something we don’t! Just a pity that my old girls(hens – that is!) at home aren’t yet taking the hint – despite the amorous advances of Rocky, thecockerel!
Having pondered all the above, I find myself now back at home & determine to ‘kick-on’ withmy training and entry for the High Peak Hunt Members Race at Flagg and to encourage mycompatriots to do likewise. For other interested parties, more information is available or
Reserved car-parking can be booked via Becki Edge : and any media or PRenquiries via myself Rachel McQueen :