Fly Fishing Gift & Present Ideas

Fly fishing Gift & Present ideas always seem very straight forward to me but my wife always says I am difficult to buy for.  The reason is – she doesn’t fish & I do. So for me any Fly tackle shop is like Toys R Us but for her it is all very bewildering.

In the true spirit of Christmas I would like to offer some help & guidance for those who struggle for ideas for the Fly fisher in their lives. The ideas are suitable for all Fly fishers whether they are just starting out, seasoned campaigners, and river or lake fishers. They do not require any technical knowledge on the part of those doing the shopping.

Line Floatant & Sinkant is the sort of stuff everyone needs from time to time and costs between £2 and £5 for a small tub.

Line FloatantLine Sinkant


Fly floatant & Sinkant is a must for Fly fishers and to run out would be unthinkable. It comes in small bottles or pots and will cost around £5 to £8 each.

Fly sinkantFly floatant

Every Fly fisher will need some Forceps, Pliers or a Multi Purpose Tool and these vary in price depending on the quality, make & complexity of the device. Expect to pay between £5 and £25 for them.

A useful toolFly fishing instruction

A Priest should always be carried regardless of whether you intend to kill fish or not. If a fish is badly hooked or damaged in the fight then every responsible Fly fisher should have the means to despatch it humanely. The priest is there to administer “the last rights” – quickly. Prices vary greatly from around £10 up to £30 plus. It depends how pretty you want it to be!

Fly fishing Gift Vouchers towards a Casting Lesson or a Fly fishing Day or Half Day give the recipient a choice – perhaps to improve their casting technique which will improve their fishing enjoyment or to experience Fly fishing for the first time with all equipment and instruction included.  These usually cost from £25 upwards and you would be well advised to talk to the Instructor before buying. This is to ensure that they are suitably qualified and have access to the facilities that will be required. Don’t be intimidated, if the Instructor is any good he or she should be able to offer advice & help with the process. I always like to know a little bit about the intended recipient and the reason for the gift – Christmas, Birthday etc so that the session can be arranged to give maximum pleasure & benefit.

I hope that the above ideas help but if you are completely stuck then give me a call or email me via my website, I will always give an honest opinion and it will only cost the price of the phone call.