Shop at a farmer’s marketSince their inception in 1997 farmers markets have become remarkably fashionable for the discerning shopper. There are now an estimated 7,500 farmers markets held in Britain every year attracting 15 million customers. 90% of those shoppers say they use farmers markets because they want locally grown, fresh produce. For further information about Farmers Markets in the Peak District why not take a look at ourFarmers Market sectionwhich provides you with additional information on where they can be found and the type of fresh produce sold.
Use a farm shopThere are over 3000 farm shops scattered throughout Britain’s beautiful countryside each of them giving the visitor a delightful opportunity to access local, fresh, seasonal food and drink. If your looking for local produce then why not take a look at ourPeak District Shopping guidewhere you are sure to find what you are looking for!Look out for the Little Red TractorThe LRT logo appears only on food of British origin. When you buy food carrying the Little Red Tractor stamp of approval, you can be sure it has been produced to stringent standards that are independently inspected. These standards cover all aspects of farm production from looking after the countryside to food hygiene, from how animals are cared for to what they are fed. With the backing of all the major supermarkets, the Little Red Tractor has made its mark on thousands of different product lines across Britain.