Start at: Edale
Grid ref: SK123855
Distance: 15.0 kilometres
Total ascent: 612 meters
Approx. time needed: 4 hrs 46 mins
Map: OL1 Dark Peak
Kinder Scout from Edale
From the main car park walk, or the railway station, take the road into the village past the Tourist Information Centre on the right hand to The Nag’s Head pub – the official start of the Pennine Way. Shortly after the pub turn right at the “Grindsbrook” signpost to a wooden bridge and a gate that allows access to the open moorland .High up to your right the gritstone edges of Upper Tor give you an indication of the climb ahead.
Follows the right hand side of Grinds Brook, on a well paved route through open grazing. Where the path divides stick to the paved route, which slowly climbs through trees before dropping slightly to another gate and a small feeder stream. From this point on the route climbs the ever narrowing Grindsbrook as it curves round to the left. As you follow the curve of the brook round to the left the edge of the plateau comes into view, and where the route splits you stick to the left hand side for the final climb to the top.
The edge of the plateau is defined by a collection of large boulders at Fox Holes, and from here the path heads essentially west towards Crowden Tower. Although Kinder Downfall lies North West of Fox Holes, the paved route heads West towards Crowden Tower then shortly after a small waterfall the path turns right, then slightly left, before settling on a map bearing of 342?. The next ¾ of a mile crosses the heather plateau as it drops into the bed of the River Kinder.
Kinder Gates, an obvious narrowing of the river’s route, signal the approach to Kinder Downfall and the path soon turns sharply left. Large boulders in the stream bed indicate the proximity to the precipice that takes the River Kinder to the valley below, though it is safe enough to continue along the river bed to the edge of the Downfall. From here, on a good day, you can get extensive views to the Welsh hills.
From Kinder Downfall the route heads South-West along a well defined path to the trig point on Kinder Low. This section is easy to navigate, following the edge of the plateau along well a maintained path. The route drops consistently for 200ft (64m) to a ford across the stream, where a minor path heads off right, then continues downhill to a junction. At the junction turn left (map 083?) to head for Jacob’s Ladder.
From the large cairn take the steep path down Jacob’s Ladder and cross the footbridge. From the bottom continue South West towards the hamlet of Upper Booth, passing Grain Clough on your right and Lea House on the left. Continue along an improving track to Upper Booth. From Upper Booth cross a small stream and continue uphill on the signposted path that skirts the edge of Broadlee- Bank Tor. As the path moves away from the steeper ground of Broadlee-Bank Tor it starts to drop down to Edale. The last short section of the path brings you out once more into Edale village opposite the school. Turn right and follow the road back downhill for a quarter of a mile to the railway station and car park.