Little Hucklow

Little Hucklow is surrounded by rich green pasture, dramatic landscape, quaint little cottages and pockets of ancient meadowland where in spring there are wonderful displays of wild flowers.

Little Hucklow is surrounded by a network of narrow lanes and roads. Hungry Lane and Jeffrey Lane toward Bradwell date from medieval times, but it is thought that the main B6040 could originally have been Roman and a route to Navio, the Roman fort at Brough.

On the hillside across from Little Hucklow is Intake Farm, its name taken from the medieval practice of enclosing the land and taking it in from the uncultivated moorland or wilderness that would then have surrounded the homestead. Whilst on the hillside opposite is the gliding Club sitting atop an ancient settlement at 1300 feet named Burrs Mount – this was an Iron Age oval shaped hill fort with double ditch.

The sleepy little village of Little Hucklow is devoid of a shop or church, but does however possess a lovely old pub which serves a thirst-quenching ale. The Bulls Head was at one time the Old Hall and dates from around 1660. Behind it is a contemporary cottage with a date stone. It is reputed that the highwayman Dick Turpin was a caller there.

From the top of Little Hucklow village you can just make out the ‘pimple’ summit of Win Hill in the distance.

About ½-mile from Little Hucklow beside the main road to Bradwell is Hazelbadge Hall which is one of the best examples of an early manor house to be found in Derbyshire. It dates from 1549 and has a coat of arms with a crest above it on the end gable. Below there are windows with several horizontal mullions and pointed tops. The coat of arms is that of the Vernon and Swynnerton families and the now weather-worn crest was of a visored helmet.

Hazelbadge Hall was the home of Margaret Vernon who centuries ago lost her lover to another woman. Margaret went to Hope Church to see them marry and was so heartbroken and distraught that she rode quickly away and galloped madly home. It is said that she went insane and died not long after. It is also reputed that her ghost can be seen riding a white horse and to be heard galloping furiously back up the dale on stormy nights.