Longnor Market Hall
Longnor was once an important market town in The Peak District. The Market Hall is dated 1873 and the plaque on the front lists a “Table of Tolls payable at Longnor Markets and Fairs”. It includes prices for buyers and sellers.
Halter Devil Chapel
A strange tale surrounds the name of this tiny chapel. One stormy night in 1723, a very drunken farmer called Francis Brown, decided to ride to Derby. He met his wifes protests with the remark ‘Ride I will if I have to halter the devil’. He was trying to put the halter on what he thought was a horse, when a flash of lightning revealed that the animal had horns. He was so overcome by this that he remained sober for the rest of his life and built the chapel next to his house. A service is still held here on the last Sunday of the month.