Monyash Round Walk – Hard Rake – passing a dewpond and a quarry (small diversion required)
Distance – 3m
This walk should take around 60mins and is suitable for all the family – in winter as with any country walk bad weather may cause parts of this walks to be muddy and slippy so wear suitable clothing.
If you are driving you can park up where you can at Monyash, there is a car park near the methodist church and street parking up and down Church Street.
Monyash Car Park
From the car park head down the hill, take the first left onto Horse Lane and then take the first stile on your left. walk up the hill and walk through the fields, when you are at the top on a clear day from here the view is lovely on nearly all sides.
Views over Fields
As you can see it was cloudy but sunny when I started this walk and the views are great, you need to carry on through the fields until you go past a farm on your right. Just past the farm you will cross a stile and bear right inthis field keep close to the trees on your left this will take you to the next stile.
Farm Buildings and Signpost
Once you have passed this stile walk up the path and after another stile to your left is a board with information aobut the history of this area and the mines, dewponds and hay meadows, worth stopping for a few minutes to read , a little further up form the sign is an engraved bench next to a dewpond, i rested here for 5 minutes the sun was out and I always like a reason to stop and enjoy the Peak District Countryside. the Dew pond can get quite boggy around the edges so if you are with young children supervision is a good idea.
Hard Rake Information and Dewpond near Monyash
After your stop here carry on walking on the path until you reach the road, here there were lots of friendly cows on the last field on the left before the road, very intruiged with my camera, so I had to take a photograph of them!! turn right on the road and carry on down for a while. always take care when walikng on Peak Distrtict roads and lanes traffic can sometimes come a little too fast!!
Peak District Path and Inqusitive Cows
you have an option here to take the first gate and walk through the copse and have a peek at the quarry at the other side, again if you do be careful and do not leave the signposted walk…
Peak District Copse and Quarry near Monyash
once you are back on the road, or of you never left it!!! carry on until you reach the next stile on your right which will take you through the copse and out the other side, from here its all downhill back to Monyash, on this trip the heavens decided to open up and i had to hot foot it the rest of the way.stopping shortly too take a quick snap of a rather wet looking sheep.
Field of yellow and a wet sheep!
You will eventually join the road you originally turned off on ‘Horse Lane’ carry on down this road until you reach Monyash where you can turn left back up the hill and to the car park. or put off going back to the car and have a rest at the Monyash Cafe (I can heartily recommend the breakfast there, or the Pub, I can heartily recommend a pint of beer from there!!)
Map of Monyash – Peak District Walk
This Peak District Walk from Monyash is @ copyright of Peak District Online.