The Peak District National Park Authority runs a series of Ranger Guided Walks in the Peak District with varying degrees of difficulty and length. On this page you can find an updated calendar that will tell you when the next walk will take place and from where. These Ranger Guided Walks in the Peak District are a perfect way to explore the wonderful countryside and see it through an expert’s eyes. Peak District Rangers know this area like the back of their hand and can show you routes and sights that you might not discover on your own. Booking on the walk is not always required and so you can use this site to check out when the next Ranger Guided Walk in the Peak District is taking place and find out where you need to be and at what time. Walk starts are often chosen so that they are near to public transport so you can arrive and leave without having to use your car. Check out the Peak District Ranger Guided Walks on this page and start planning your trip around the wonderful Peak District.
Peak District Rangers – A Video Getting To Grips With The Rangers Of Derbyshire
The rangers of the Peak District travel miles each day – in all weathers and in all seasons. They are brave, kind, knowledgeable and fearless. They are the unsung heroes of the Dales & Peak District TV’s Terrybnd gets to know more.
Have you ever wondered who preserves the glorious Peak District for all of us to enjoy at our leisure? Who is it who settles disputes between off-roaders and walkers, who battles through all weathers to help animals and sometimes people in need? From tackling emergencies such as moorland fires, to mending a broken down scooter on the Tissington Trail, the Peak District Rangers are fearless and resolute, helping the emergency services with their work. They take on any problem with diplomacy and tact. Their expertise helps adults and children alike, providing help if needed and teaching the laws of the land – conservation is key. They never know what they will encounter each day but they do their job with expertise and professionalism, and clearly love doing it as well.
Terrybnd’s video follows a day in the life of just one of the rangers, experiencing first hand the variety of work the volunteers and full-time wardens undertake. We see how successful they are in talking to landowners about access agreements and we get to see parts of the Peak District we’ve not seen before in this really informative and interesting video.
Peak District Rangers really are a key point of contact between local people and visitors and the National Park authority. They do a superb job and well done to them for keeping the Peak District as accessible as it is, as clean as it is and as safe as it is. This 18 min video is well worth a watch and we’re not envious that their office is the great outdoors – much !