Peak District Wedding Venues

Some of the Peak District Wedding venues available will blow you away, you can hold your wedding in the woods, a marquee, tipi or a Four Star hotel, whatever the choice or budget there will be a wedding venue that you will fall in love with, the only problem is there may be too many too choose from.

With civil ceremonies being granted to 100s more venues there is so much choice for you big day.

If the ideal location for your wedding is in the Peak District you will find your biggest problem is the choice of venues.


    • Peak District Holiday Barn1 768x577

    Peak District Holiday Barn at Wardlow

    • the famous shoulder Pub 768x579

    The Famous Shoulder

    • Biggin Hall 01

    Bagshaw Hall & Sleep Lodge, Luxury Suites & Apartments

    • Peak Edge 03 768x285

    Peak Edge Hotel

    • hamps barn garden 1600

    Hamps Barn

    • eastlodge big01 2

    East Lodge Country House Hotel & Restaurant

    • haddon 2

    Haddon Grove Farm Cottages

    • bedroomb

    Alison House Hotel

    • poachers outside10

    Poachers Arms

    • losehill house wedding venue 768x512

    Losehill House Hotel & Spa