Pleasley Pit


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Access off the A617 Roundabout Glapwell – Mansfield Road take the minor road to Pleasley. After leaving the roundabout take the first right almost immediately into Pit Lane opposite the bus stop. Drive up to the Pit gates and park avoiding blocking the gate and private drives. Walk through the gap at the right handside of the locked main gate. This is a young site with much potential. A typical local patch which if you put in the hours will reward your patience. There is a mix of habitats. Even the neighbouring arable fields are worth a listen for Quail in some summers. The sides of the tip were planted in 2000/01 with a mix of broadleafed trees. Large areas of grassland provide home to 50+ singing Skylark in the spring with Meadow Pipit and Lapwing enjoying the wide open spaces. A 3 hectare shallow pool dominates the site with spits and islands and water level control facility. This has been designed with waders in mind. It has already attracted some excellent birds including Wood Sandpiper, Knot, Temmincks Stint Little Stint Curlew Sandpiper. Please keep out of the fenced off areas.