Self Catering Holidays In Matlock

Be spoiled for choice and choose self catering holidays in Matlock, to get away from the crowds, or to be in the hustle and bustle, it’s entirely up to you. From holiday cottages to Peak District campsites, self catering holidays in Matlock will mean getting away from the dirge of daily life, and being close to the town packed full of events and attractions, with Matlock Bath, the Peak District seaside town, just down the road. Even though you may have to cook some days, when you’re doing it away from home in another place and other world entirely, it seems an adventure rather than a chore.

With good food in Matlock, there are so many eating establishments to suit your wallet and your pocket, and most cater for children and pets as well if you choose wisely. Why not pack up a picnic and take off for the day because self catering holidays means being in Matlock, which is a great place to enjoy seeing the nearby landscape, and to be able to come and go as you please. Chatsworth house is always a great day out and Bakewell is not to faraway either and all the while, you know you will coming back to your cosy cottage or campsite and enjoy a night in -or out-with all the family.

    • crow bed 2.jpg1

    Crow Pie Cottage – Matlock Bath

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    Derwent House

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    Lea View Cottage

  • The Old Granary at Matlock