
Shatton evidently means ‘farmstead in the nook of land between streams’, which describes this little settlement perfectly as it sits beside the confluence of the Derwent and Noe.

Townfield Lane in Shatton is an ancient route which leads to Brough. It so deeply hollowed away by the passage of travellers that a new footpath has been adopted on top of the bank. At the start of the lane there is a picturesque paved ford which has been captured on many a resplendent photograph . This ancient route out of Shatton was part of a salters lane or saltway which ran up Hurst Clough beyond Bamford. It is also thought to have been on the Roman road from the fort of Navio at Brough over the Long Causeway to Sheffield, a continuation of Bathamgate.

The area surrounding Shatton is linked with the writings of Charlotte Bronte. In Jane Eyre she talks of the young woman who married the master of Thornfield Hall. Could it be that Charlotte based her supposedly fictitious characters on a real Jane Eyre who at one time lived at Shatton Hall and married John Thornhill of Thornhill?

Shatton is a secluded and exclusive hamlet with many select houses. The best approach to Shatton is over Mytham Bridge which crosses the river Noe just upstream of the confluence with the Derwent and downstream of the quaintly named Lumble Pool.

Shatton Lane leads steeply up behind the houses to Shatton Moor and Shatton Edge whilst another fabulous old path heads to Offerton.

Shatton is linked with Brough and is situated in the Parish of Hope.