The Riverside Path

Bakewell Riverside Walk

The riverside path in Bakewell has been a popular spot for centuries and has been snapped by many a Fuji or Kodak film!

Resident mallard eagerly await passers by offering crusts of bread or the remains of cast aside Bakewell Puddings, whilst coots take pride in constructing their castle-shaped nests in full view of the public but at risk of being swept away by April showers or a spring flood!

Huge geese and swans fly overhead before sweeping down to land on the River Wye, which gently flows beneath the five arches of the 13th century Bakewell Bridge.

Occasionally you can observe fishermen casting their colourful flies for grayling or trout, having paid a king’s ransom for the permit to fish.

Downstream from the bridge the riverside path enters the recreation ground of Bakewell Park, beyond which the river meanders its way out of town. Sometimes on hot summers days you will see paddlers braving the slippery sharp rocks and freezing cold water.

The Riverside is a popular place for visitors to sit on the benches and take in the surroundings or to eat fish and chips from one of the three chip shops that are now in Bakewell.

There are plenty of Car Parks in Bakewell but be warned at weekends and Bank Holidays Bakewell can get very busy.!