Water Levels Boost with Recent Snow and Rain.

Snow and then rain have helped to boost water levels in both the rivers and lake here in the Peak District.   The Wye was looking good yesterday when I was with a client at Monsal Dale although there was just a tinge of colour which slowed down the Olive hatch meaning we fished nymphs more than we would have liked.   Let’s hope that levels remain good from now.   Talking of levels, the reservoirs have received a welcome boost from recent snow and rain and most are now at, or very near maximum, and let’s hope trend this continues.  


Carsington has fished well since it opened, with catches averaging over 9 fish per rod day and I hear that Lady bower has also been fishing well.   Not quite in the Peak District but within easy reach just south of Derby, Foremark reservoir also offers the visiting fly fishermen bank and boat fishing.   Richard Pearson and his team at the Fishery Office are on hand at the Rangers Office (tel:  01283 703202).


What a wealth of quality, large stillwater fishing we have here in the Peak district with Carsington, Foremark, Ladybower (soon to include access to both Howden and Derwent for wild browns) and Errwood reservoirs all available.  Add the river fishing on the Wye at Monsal and the Peacock at Rowsley  and you have a superb holiday centre for the keen fly fisher.

This blog was brought to you by Philip White.