Water Trough At Eyam And St Ann’s Well In Buxton

Water trough at Eyam

In 1588 a Col Francis Bradshaw proposed a plan for a water supply for the village of Eyam in The Peak District. About 12 sets of stone troughs were built at covenient places along the village street and water from springs was conducted to the troughs by pipes thus making Eyam possibly the first village in the country to have a public water supply. Drinking water was obtained from the spout discharging into the troughs, the troughs themselves being used by cattle and horses. This one is at Hall Hill, so called because it is adjacent to Bradshawe Hall, now in ruins.


St Ann’s Well in Buxton

The Roman soldiers bathed in the warm thermal spring here at Buxton which later became known as St Ann’s Well. The Well was believed to have healing powers and was visited by Mary Queen of Scots who suffered badly from Rheumatism. The well that can be seen today carries the inscription ‘A well of living waters’ and the water may be sampled from here.
