Wellington’s Monument On Baslow Edge And St Bertram’s Tomb At IIam Church

Wellington’s Monument on Baslow Edge Wellington’s monument can be found on Baslow edge, standing high above the village of Baslow. It is dedicated to the Duke of Wellington and a celebration of his victory at the battle of Waterloo in 1815. It was erected by a local. called Dr Wrench, who as an army man, felt the need to counterbalance the memorial dedicated to Admiral Nelson on nearby Birchen Edge.

Wellingtons Monument


St Bertram’s Tomb at Ilam Church The Chapel of St Bertram can be found at Ilam Church in The Peak District. Built in 1618, this contains St Bertams tomb cover and his shrine built about the year 1386. St Bertram, sometimes known as Bertelin, is reputed to have been the son of a King of Mercia, possibly in the 8th century, who travelled to Ireland, where he married a beautiful princess. On their return journey in England, they were forced to take shelter in a forest where a child was born. Bertram went seeking help and on his return found that both mother and child had been killed by wolves. Overcome with grief, Bertram renounched his royal heritage and retired to live a life of prayer and meditation. Many pagans were converted to christianity by the example of his holy life and goodness. In the middle ages, his shrine became a place of pilgramage with many miracle cures of illness claimed by those who crawled through the holes in the sides. Railings had to be fitted to stop this practice.

Wellingtons Monument